______________________________________________________________________________________ to be updated as information is realized
______________________________________________________________________________________ to be updated as information is realized
CVAC VISUALIZATION contributed to our fb page by Jed Taylor |
Origin February 27, 2013 @ 11:16 AM
The CVAC system is presented as a planet wide, completely interconnected network structure run only by bonded public servants who act with full responsibility and in full liability at all times. Every human on the planet is served by CVAC and its BRANCHES. Each former nation on the planet has one CVAC BRANCH reserved for it. This incredible paradigm shift is just beginning to unfold right now.
Why is day to day life still the same? The old system is currently in denial and although there are negotiations going on continuously at the highest level, the news of the existence of the Trust is deliberately being kept out of the main stream media by the alleged corporate system to deceive the one people of this planet as it always has done. The impending implementation of funded CVACs will correct this situation...'
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Select CVAC tab in page menu.
- Provided by Heather Tucci-Jarraf
CVAC = creation's value asset centers and each BE'ing in Source's Universe is a CVAC, individually and equally to all others, with each CVAC granted and guaranteed the right to BE and DO what they BE by their free will choice and the opportunity to exercise that right without prejudice and without damage to any other CVAC, UILO UCC Doc. No. 2012128325.
CVAC BRANCH = a local stationary BRANCH of the CVAC SYSTEM that can provide customized assistance (language, cultural, etc.) immediately without prejudice to any CVAC that asks for assistance, but only providing assistance to the CVAC when and in the manner the CVAC chooses by their free will, UILO UCC Doc. No. 2012128325.
CVAC SYSTEM (registered as “GOVERNMENT”) = a stationary and consistent planetary system to provide assistance without prejudice to any CVAC in their BE'ing and DO'ing what they BE, but only providing assistance to the CVAC when and in the manner the CVAC chooses by their free will, UILO UCC Doc. No. 2012128324.
CVAC SYSTEM'S (registered as “GOVERNMENT”) SYSTEMS OF ASSISTANCE =systems of assistance that PAY focused ATTENTION to specific areas, such as treasury, technology, education, health, and other areas, in order to bring the Absolute Data of that specific area on to the table of Transparency for the sole purpose of assisting any CVAC so that any CVAC has the opportunity to make informed choices by their free will. Each of the focused and specific areas work transparently and interdependently to bring forth Absolute Data and to give assistance to any CVAC as the CVAC chooses by their free will, UILO UCC Doc. No. 2012128324/2012128325.
Lisa Harrison, Chris Hales, and Bob Wright talk about the CVAC Structure and it's energetic architecture during THE OPPT-IN ON FREEDOM REIGNS SHOW on February 18, 2013.
CVAC Documents @ OPPT-IN.COM
OPPT-IN ON FREEDOM REIGNS - February 11, 2013
THE COLLECTIVE IMAGINATION - Tuesday, February 5, 2013
OPPT-IN ON FREEDOM REIGNS - February 4, 2013
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